The Halloween season has ended and I am truly thankful. This year, no one in the family seemed to be in the spooky spirit. We usually transform our entire home into a creepy haunted house and even have our costumes ready a month in advance, but we just weren't feeling it. Last Saturday my Mother-in-law hosted her annual Halloween party so we half-heartedly pulled together some costumes. I hauled out some of my hiking gear and went as an UNhappy camper, complete with poison ivy, ants, snakes and foliage. Personally, I love to camp and welcome those funny little nuances. Snakes, spiders, I say bring them on! Anything to be out in nature! Okay, back to Halloween....I had spent the majority of my day working on a scavenger hunt for the party but too many people were already drinking by the time we arrived so that game was tossed out the window. Instead David and I became contestants in a Newlywed Game...a three hour long Newlywed Game. I think this game was invented to raise the divorce rates. One husband actually got the color of his wife's eyes wrong! In the end we lost with 177 points, but unlike some of the couples, we were still on speaking terms. Historically speaking, we suck at the Newlywed Game but I doubt you'll ever meet a more happily married and well suited couple. David might not be able to remember the first time I called him by a cute nickname (incidentally, I don't either), but he certainly knows that brownies are the key to my heart and that is a far more valuable bit of information. At any rate, the game ended at about the same time that our son discovered he had, perhaps, indulged in a little too much spicy cheese dip. We made a quick exit. As we were driving home I looked at the clock on my dashboard and smiled. It was 12:25am, Halloween was officially over. I'm sure next year we'll be back to our usual festive selves, I think we'll even get back to hosting our own scavenger hunt. But for right now I'm just happy to move on to Thanksgiving.
Yes, I am looking forward to getting back to the scavenger hunt...the best part of the whole deal, IMHO!